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Chairman of Pakistani Senate Muhammad Sadig Sanjrani Sent Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova a Letter of Felicitations on V-Day

Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of Pakistan Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani has sent a letter to Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova with heartfelt felicitations on behalf of the People and the Senate of Pakistan and of Mr Sanjrani personally on the first anniversary of Patriotic War Victory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
It is written in that letter that the Islamic Republic of Azerbaijan remained supportive of Azerbaijan’s position before and during the Patriotic War, which was in line with the United Nations Security Council’s Resolutions.

08 November 2021    16:32

Peruvian Congressman Jose Enrique Jeri Ore Pays His Respects to Azerbaijani Shahids’ Memory

The memory of the valiant warriors, the shahids who led the Azerbaijani people to the Victory in the Patriotic War, is honoured far beyond the boundaries of our country: Congressman Jose Enrique Jeri Ore of the Republic of Peru ad a member of the SOMOS PERU parliamentary group, wrote a letter to Azerbaijan’s Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador in Lima Mammad Talibov asking to relay his respect for the memory of the Patriotic War shahids to the people of Azerbaijan.

08 November 2021    15:57

GNAT Member Sends Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova a V-Day Congratulatory Letter

A member of the Great National Assembly of Turkey for Kahramanmaraş and a group leader in the Justice and Development Party Mahir Ünal has sent Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova a letter with heartfelt congratulations on the first anniversary of the Glorious Victory in the Patriotic War and the wishes of eternal friendship and brotherhood of our countries.

08 November 2021    15:33

Commemoration of Shahids in Ordubad Province

The Patriotic War shahids originating from the local villages of Azadkend, Darkend and Duylu Senior Lieutenant Namig Hasan oglu Khalilli, Lieutenant Intigam Allahverdi oglu Abdullayev, Lieutenant Metin Ramiz oglu Huseynov and Private of Extended Service Saday Rza oglu Mammadaliyev were commemorated in the Ordubad Province.

08 November 2021    15:29

Azerbaijan’s Victory Day to be Celebrated in Italy

The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Italy is organising events to honour the first anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War. The leader of the Azerbaijan-Italy inter-parliamentary connexions working group of the Milli Majlis Azer Karimli is leaving for Rome on 7 November to join the jubilations.

08 November 2021    15:15

Our MP to Pay a Visit to Turkey

The leader of the Milli Majlis delegation to the OSCE PA, the Assembly vice president and special representative to SE Europe Azay Guliyev will be in Turkey on an official visit led by the OSCE PA President Margareta Cederfelt starting on 8 November

07 November 2021    11:32

Azerbaijan’s Victory Day Celebrated Abroad

Chairman of the Milli Majlis International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee Samad Seyidov and MP Sevil Mikayilova will be in Madrid from 7 November onwards to join the events that the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Spain is arranging in honour of the first anniversary of the Azerbaijani Victory in the Patriotic War.

07 November 2021    11:21

Patriotic War Gazi is Employed at Milli Majlis

The state care and attention to the families of our shahids who laid their lives down for the country’s territorial integrity and to the war veterans alike has been as unfailing since the conclusion of the Patriotic War as it has been all these thirty years past. Pursuant to the appropriate decrees of President and Commander-in-Chief of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr Ilham Aliyev and the First Vice President Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, the state departments become closely acquainted with the cares and difficulties of the citizens in those categories and take regular steps to address their problems.

05 November 2021    21:34

Azerbaijan’s Victory Day Celebrated Abroad

Chairman of the Milli Majlis International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee Samad Seyidov and MP Sevil Mikayilova will be in Madrid from 7 November onwards to join the events that the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Spain is arranging in honour of the first anniversary of the Azerbaijani Victory in the Patriotic War.

05 November 2021    19:34

Milli Majlis Passes the Victory Day – 8 November Amnesty Resolution

At the scheduled plenary sitting of the autumn session held on 5 November, Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova reminded the MPs that it was taking place ahead of the glorious date: on 8 November, our people will be celebrating the Victory Day, the day of the brilliant triumph crowning the 44 days’ Patriotic War.

05 November 2021    18:47

An Event on Azerbaijan’s V-Day is Due in Israel

Azerbaijani MP Anatoly Rafailov will join the event on Azerbaijan’s Victory Day that the AZIZ (Azerbaijan-Israel) International Association is arranging in Tel Aviv on 7 November.

05 November 2021    16:23

Shahid Musa Muhammadov Commemorated in Guba Province

The 44-day Patriotic War shahid Musa Bahram oglu Muhammadov, yet another heroic son of the nation, was commemorated in the Zardabi settlement in the Guba Province with MP Anatoly Rafailov, the provincial administration officials and the fallen warrior’s relatives in attendance.

05 November 2021    09:49

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.