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MP Konul Nurullayeva Calls on Shahid Families

MP Konul Nurullayeva went to the house of the Patriotic War shahid Ali Nofel oglu Hasanli in the Nizami District of Baku on 18 October to talk to his parents and dear ones.

19 October 2021    17:28

A Meeting with Kazakh Guests at Milli Majlis

Chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee for Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology Sadig Gurbanov met with the delegation of PSA JSC, the Kazakh Government’s authorised production sharing agent in the North Caspian and Karachaganak projects, on 19 October.

19 October 2021    16:49

Commemorating the Shahid Elyar Arif oglu Valiyev

The wake of the Patriotic War Hero the shahid Elyar Arif oglu Valiyev went in the Gobustan Province with MP Shahin Seyidzade, the head of the provincial executive authority Adil Mammadov, the chiefs of the Gobustan state departments and companies as well as the local community members in attendance.

19 October 2021    15:46

Homage Paid to Patriotic War Shahid Feyruz Hajily in Yasamal District

Feyruz Hajily who was killed in action at the 44 days’ Patriotic War was remembered at the ceremony in Baku’s Yasamal District with the participation of the Milli Majlis members Ulvi Guliyev and Sabina Khasayeva, the Head of the district administration Elshad Hasanov together with his officials, seniors of the local organisations, the shahid’s combat comrades and members of the public on 18 October.

19 October 2021    15:14

The Memory of the Shahids is a Treasure to Hold

MP Anar Mammadov and the representatives of the provincial executive authority took part in the remembrance of the shahid Nemat Mammadov in the village of Khoylu in the Goranboy Province on 18 October.

19 October 2021    15:07

Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Meets a NATO Delegation

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova had a meeting with the delegation led by Deputy Assistant to the UN Secretary General for political and security affairs, the special representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia Xavier Colomina on 18 October

18 October 2021    19:46

Ukrainian MPs Visited Ganja and Agdam

As we reported earlier, members of the Group for inter-parliamentary friendship with Azerbaijan of Ukraine’s Supreme Rada are visiting in Azerbaijan.

18 October 2021    17:40

Patriotic War Shahids Commemorated in Ganja

A commemoration ceremony for the victims of the Armenian ballistic missiles fired at Ganja was held in that second-in-size city of Azerbaijan to mark the anniversary of the attacks.

18 October 2021    14:30

A Meeting with Ukrainian MPs at Milli Majlis

First Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis, Chairman of the parliamentary Committee for Law Policy and State-Building Ali Huseynli met with members of the Ukrainian Supreme Rada’s Group for inter-parliamentary friendship with Azerbaijan on 16 October.

16 October 2021    16:30

Member of Milli Majlis Speaks at Conference on Counter-Terrorism

A conference ‘The Regional Policy Dialogue with South-Eastern European Legislators about Conviction, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Foreign Terrorists’ organised jointly by the OSCE and the OSCE PA took place in the hybrid format on 14-15 October.

15 October 2021    19:25

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.