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Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Spoke at Turkic Council’s Office in Budapest
29 June 2021    21:47
A Meeting at Milli Majlis
29 June 2021    19:30
Tertiary Education Bill Discussed at Milli Majlis
29 June 2021    17:30
At the NATO PA Rose-Roth Seminar
28 June 2021    23:05
Milli Majlis Delegation Visited Our Embassy in Hungary
28 June 2021    22:00
Extraordinary Session of Milli Majlis Continues
25 June 2021    20:29
At the Meeting of the Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising Committee
24 June 2021    20:26
At the Meeting of the Law Policy and State-Building Committee
24 June 2021    18:22
Azerbaijani, Chilean Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups Met
23 June 2021    23:51
Inter-Parliamentary Connexions with Saudi Arabia are Broadening
23 June 2021    23:32
At the Meeting of the Law Policy and State-Building Committee
23 June 2021    23:29
Inter-Parliamentary Co-operation to Help Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
23 June 2021    18:40
At the PABSEC General Assembly
23 June 2021    17:54
At the Plenary Sitting of the Milli Majlis
22 June 2021    23:32
A Meeting at Milli Majlis
21 June 2021    18:33
At the Meeting of Milli Majlis Committee for International Relations and Inter-Parliamentary Connexions
18 June 2021    22:37
Eleven Issues Considered at a Meeting of Labour and Social Policy Committee
18 June 2021    22:27
At the Meeting of the Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology Committee
18 June 2021    22:10
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan Delivered a Speech at Milli Majlis
16 June 2021    21:11
At the Meeting of the Azerbaijani, Kazakh Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups
14 June 2021    22:25
Norway Advocates Peace and Stability in the Region
14 June 2021    17:54

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.