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At the Meeting of the Culture Committee

The Committee of Culture of the Milli Majlis conducted remotely its first meeting in the 2022 autumn parliamentary session on 15 September. The chair of the committee Ganira Pashayeva began by asking that the souls of our military fallen in the latest days’ Armenian border provocation should rest in peace and sending her endurance wishes to their families and friends.

15 September 2022    18:42

At the Meeting of the Sciences and Education Committee

The Sciences and Education Committee of the Milli Majlis began its first meeting in the autumn parliamentary session, held on 15 September, with a minute of silence in memoriam the military servicemen killed whilst fending off the recent border provocation by Armenia. The committee chairman Bakhtiyar Aliyev shared his thoughts on those developments and said that the courageous Azerbaijani Army led by the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev had given the aggressor the kind of response he deserved.

15 September 2022    17:26

Our MPs to Take Part in an International Gathering

The Milli Majlis members Soltan Mammadov and Vugar Bayramov will go to Paris on 16 September for the 12th international gathering of ministers and parliamentarians of the International Astronautical Federation member-countries that will be held on the margins of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress.

15 September 2022    13:50

Chair of Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova Addresses International Organisations about Provocation on Azerbaijani-Armenian Border

Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova has appealed to the President and Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the European Parliament, the OSCE PA, the CIS IPA, the parliamentary assemblies of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, Economic Co-operation Organisation, Black Sea Economic Co-Operation and GUAM as well as to the Asian Parliamentary Assembly.

14 September 2022    19:44

Employee Professionalism Will Be Raised In-Service

Raising professionalism of employees is known well to be one of the topmost issues on the current agenda; this issue is being addressed in the Bill containing amendments to the Labour Code of the Azerbaijan Republic that arrived at the Milli Majlis a few days back in the way of the Head of State’s legislative initiative.

12 September 2022    16:42

Document and Information Submissions for Provision of Services Electronically to Be Minimised

Optimisation of the provision of the state services electronically and minimising the accompanying need for citizens to submit documents and information are the matters in the focus of the national administration. A package of documents containing amendments to 47 laws with regards to the above and signed by the Head of State arrived at the Milli Majlis a few days ago.

12 September 2022    15:20

Azerbaijani MP to Take Part in an International Seminar

A member of the Milli Majlis and of the Azerbaijani Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union Shahin Ismayilov will go to the capital city of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 12 September to join the 3rd IPU regional (Asia-Pacific) seminar on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

10 September 2022    13:32

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.