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Please, be advised herewith that the mass media intending to cover the proceedings of the spring session 2022 of the Milli Majlis are kindly requested to submit letters on behalf of your media heads listing the names of your employees that need being accredited.

08 January 2022    13:01

MP Jabi Guliyev Calls on Shahid Families

MP Jabi Guliyev has visited the Shahbuz Province to call on the families of the following shahids: Senior Lieutenants Zulfu Zeyni oglu Rzayev and Firuz Ali oglu Gureshli, Lieutenant Emin Rashadat oglu Sadigov and the extended military serviceman Ramin Nariman oglu Baghirov.

05 January 2022    15:06

Almost a Hundred Gazies with Disabilities Get Modern Wheelchairs

There was an event on 4 January organised to distribute wheelchairs to gazies and shahid family members with physical disabilities. It went with the participation of Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis/Chairman of the Youth and Sports Committee Adil Aliyev, the MPs Etibar Aliyev, Javid Osmanov, Jala Ahmadova, Vugar and Isgandarov and Aziz Alakbarli as well as the head of the Azerbaijani-Turkish Culture Society of the Netherlands Ilhan Aşkın.

05 January 2022    09:41

Milli Majlis Concludes 2021 Autumn Session

The Milli Majlis last met in plenary during the autumn session on 30 December. Following adoption of the agenda of the year’s last sitting, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova let it be known that the Milli Majlis traditionally passed the annual addresses to the compatriots and fellow citizens living abroad on the eve of the World Azerbaijanis’ Solidarity Day.

30 December 2021    18:00

MP Jala Aliyeva Goes to See Shahid Families and Gazies

Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis Family, Women’s and Children’s Affairs Committee, MP Jala Aliyeva called on the shahid families, gazies and war veterans of the Ujar and Zardab provinces on occasion of the World Azerbaijanis’ Solidarity Day and the approaching New Year.

30 December 2021    16:29

Milli Majlis Hears 2020 Gender Equality Maintenance Account

A scheduled plenary sitting of the autumn session of the Milli Majlis went under the chairmanship of Speaker Sahiba Gafarova on 27 December. It began with the adoption of the agenda and continued with a discussion of the issues du jour.

27 December 2021    17:30

A Meeting at Milli Majlis

Chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee for International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations/Leader of the Working Group for inter-parliamentary connexions with the USA Samad Seyidov had a meeting with Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the US embassy in Azerbaijan Michael Dickerson on 23 December.

23 December 2021    18:27

The 2017-2020 National Economy and Staple Sectors Strategic Roadmaps Monitoring and Assessment Report is Discussed at Milli Majlis

The monitoring and assessment report on the Strategic Roadmaps for the National Economy and its Staple Sectors for the years 2017-2020 was discussed at the event co-organised by the parliamentary committees for Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising, and for Agrarian Policy jointly with the republican Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication Centre on 23 December.

23 December 2021    17:59

Commemoration of the Shahid Elbrus Lachin oglu Huseynov in Shamkir

The shahid Elbrus Lachin oglu Huseynov was commemorated by MP Nurlan Hasanov, the head of the provincial executive administration Rashad Taghiyev, shahid families, gazies and members of the local public in the village of Chaparli of Shamkir Province.

23 December 2021    16:14

Commemoration of Shahids in Masalli, Yardimli Provinces of the Country

The MPs Musa Gasimli and Mashhur Mammadov and the head of the executive authority of the Masalli Province Shahin Mammadov took part in the commemoration of the shahid Rahib Vidadi oglu Azizov in the village of Yolagaj in the Masalli Province. Prayers were said for the souls of our shahids.

23 December 2021    11:36

At the GUAM Meetings

A meeting of the Bureau of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly and a session of the GUAM were held in the videoconferencing mode on 21 December.

21 December 2021    18:07

Milli Majlis Meets in Plenary

A 34-item agenda was announced at the plenary sitting of the Milli Majlis that Speaker Sahiba Gafarova presided over on 20 December.

20 December 2021    20:13

A Joint Meeting of the GUAM PA Committees

The 5th joint meeting of the GUAM PA committees took place in the videoconferencing mode on 20 December. The leader of the Milli Majlis delegation to the Assembly Elnur Allahverdiyev took part in it along the delegation members Ali Masimli, Gudrat Hasanguliyev, Nasib Mahamaliyev and Javid Osmanov.

20 December 2021    15:54

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.