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A Meeting at Milli Majlis

A group of the Milli Majlis members – Samad Seyidov, Ganira Pashayeva, Sevinj Fataliyeva and Asim Mollazade – had a meeting with the UNESCO officials from several African countries on 29 September.

29 September 2022    18:07

Proposals on New Political Parties Bill Keep Arriving at Milli Majlis

More and more proposals are being submitted to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan from political parties registered in the country regarding the new Political Parties Bill that is in the making at the request of all the parliamentary parties. The work on the Bill goes on.

27 September 2022    20:02

State Duma Chairman Visits Great Leader’s Graveside, Martyrs’ Lane

Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin and the delegation he is heading have gone to the graveside of our national leader, the architect and builder of the modern Azerbaijani State Heydar Aliyev in the Alley of Honour on 26 September.

26 September 2022    16:07

Azerbaijani MPs to Visit Romania

A member of the Milli Majlis and head of the Azerbaijan-Romania inter-parliamentary connexions working group Azay Guliyev together with the group members Agalar Valiyev and Elman Mammadov are leaving for Bucharest on 26 September.

26 September 2022    10:59

Azerbaijani MPs to Visit Croatia

The Milli Majlis members, leader of the Azerbaijan-Croatia inter-parliamentary connexions working group Konul Nurullayeva and this group’s Eldar Guliyev and Kamran Bayramov, will go to Zagreb on 25 September on the invitation of the leadership of the Croatia-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary friendship group.

24 September 2022    11:50

Meeting a Europarliament Delegation at Milli Majlis

The chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee for Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising Tahir Mirkishili had a meeting on 22 September with the visiting delegation led by Franc Bogovič, chairman of the Intergroup on Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas (RUMRA) and Smart Villages of the European Parliament.

22 September 2022    16:57

Azerbaijani MP Goes to an OSCE PA Seminar

The leader of the Milli Majlis delegation to the OSCE PA Azay Guliyev is leaving for Helsinki on 22 September to take part in the Assembly’s rally.

21 September 2022    18:48

Azerbaijani MP to Join a PACE Committee Meeting

A member of the Milli Majlis Sevinj Fataliyeva will be in Izmir on 21 September to take part in a scheduled meeting of the PACE Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development.

20 September 2022    15:49

Our MPs to Take Part in CIS IPA Commissions’ Meetings

A group of members of the Milli Majlis will leave for St Petersburg on 21 September to take part in the scheduled meetings of the Permanent Commissions of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.

20 September 2022    15:46

There Will Be More Occupations and Jobs for Women

All manifestations of discrimination against women are prohibited legislatively in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Maintenance of gender equality, protection of women’s rights in all the walks of social and public life and granting women increasingly broader opportunities in every area are amongst the state political priorities.

20 September 2022    15:21

Several Educational Products to Be Exempted from Customs Duties

The set of amendments to the Customs Tariff Law that has arrived at the Milli Majlis bearing the signature of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic envisages the exemption of a number of devices, equipment and implements used in education from the customs duties.

20 September 2022    15:09

Our MPs to Take Part in an International Gathering

The Milli Majlis members Soltan Mammadov and Vugar Bayramov will go to Paris on 16 September for the 12th international gathering of ministers and parliamentarians of the International Astronautical Federation member-countries that will be held on the margins of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress.

15 September 2022    13:50

Employee Professionalism Will Be Raised In-Service

Raising professionalism of employees is known well to be one of the topmost issues on the current agenda; this issue is being addressed in the Bill containing amendments to the Labour Code of the Azerbaijan Republic that arrived at the Milli Majlis a few days back in the way of the Head of State’s legislative initiative.

12 September 2022    16:42

Document and Information Submissions for Provision of Services Electronically to Be Minimised

Optimisation of the provision of the state services electronically and minimising the accompanying need for citizens to submit documents and information are the matters in the focus of the national administration. A package of documents containing amendments to 47 laws with regards to the above and signed by the Head of State arrived at the Milli Majlis a few days ago.

12 September 2022    15:20

Azerbaijani MP to Take Part in an International Seminar

A member of the Milli Majlis and of the Azerbaijani Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union Shahin Ismayilov will go to the capital city of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 12 September to join the 3rd IPU regional (Asia-Pacific) seminar on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

10 September 2022    13:32

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.