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The Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights Held the First Meeting in the 2021 Spring Session
19 January 2021    14:25
Milli Majlis Committee for Sciences and Education Holds the First Meeting of 2021 Spring Session
18 January 2021    19:01
The First Territorial Unit of the NAP Held a Meeting at the Parliament
11 January 2021    15:06
The Autumn Session of the Milli Majlis Has Come to Conclusion
30 December 2020    15:58
The Milli Majlis Passes the 2021 Budgetary Parcel Bills in the Third Reading
29 December 2020    17:24
The 2021 State Budget Bill is Approved in the Second Reading at a Plenary Session of the Milli Majlis
28 December 2020    14:53
First-Reading Deliberations on the 2021 State Budget Bill Continued at the Plenary Sitting of the Milli Majlis
25 December 2020    17:12
First-Reading Deliberations upon the 2021 State Budget Bill Began at a Plenary Sitting of the Milli Majlis
24 December 2020    16:53
The 2021 Budgetary Package Discussed at the Joint Meeting of Seven Milli Majlis Committees
23 December 2020    16:31
Milli Majlis Committee Discussed the 2021 State Budget
23 December 2020    11:42
Draft State Budget of Next Year Was Discussed at a Joint Meeting of Parliamentary Committees
23 December 2020    11:11
At the Meeting of the Milli Majlis
22 December 2020    10:51
MP Javanshir Feyziyev: ‘The Status Issue Has No Edge Anymore’
21 December 2020    20:59
A Hearing at the Meeting of the Committee for Family, Women’s and Children’s Affairs
21 December 2020    10:40
At the Plenary Sitting of the Milli Majlis
18 December 2020    20:52
IPA CIS Held a Videoconference ‘The Youth Against the Glorification of the Nazism’
18 December 2020    20:46
At the Plenary Meeting of the Milli Majlis
15 December 2020    16:40
At the Meeting of the Regional Affairs Committee
14 December 2020    19:27
The Memory of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev was Honoured at the Milli Majlis
12 December 2020    15:44
The Milli Majlis Ratifies the Presidential Decree Lifting Martial Law
11 December 2020    19:19
There was an International Conference in Memoriam the National Leader Heydar Aliyev
11 December 2020    19:12

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.