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PACE Standing Committee to Meet in The Hague

The head of our International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee Samad Seyidov who also helms the Azerbaijani delegation to the PACE will be in The Hague from 27 February till 4 March.

25 February 2023    11:27


Chair of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova told Secretary General of the TÜRKPA Süreyya Er whom she received on 23 February that the Milli Majlis has deemed co-operation with the TÜRKPA a cause of importance since the very establishment of the Assembly, and has always been energetically involved in its work serving to continue the broadening of the bonds of amity and fraternity uniting our states and peoples.

23 February 2023    15:36

At the Meeting of PABSEC Committee

The head of the Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation Eldar Guliyev, MP Jala Ahmadova and the PABSEC Secretary General Asaf Hajiyev took part in the 61st meeting of the Legal and Political Affairs Committee of the PABSEC, held online on 22 February...

22 February 2023    16:32

MPs Visit Food Security Institute of Azerbaijan

Members of the Milli Majlis – Chairman of the Agrarian Policy Committee Tahir Rzayev, his deputy Sabir Hajiyev and committee members Novruzali Aslanov, Azer Badamov, Mushfig Jafarov, Emin Hajiyev, Aydin Huseynov and Igbal Mammadov – have gone to the Food Security Institute of Azerbaijan (FSIA)...

22 February 2023    14:46

Azerbaijani MP to Visit Kyiv

Member of the Milli Majlis Erkin Gadirli is going to Kyiv on 23 February on the invitation of the Ukrainian side.

22 February 2023    11:43

Going to OSCE PA Winter Session

Our MP Azay Guliyev who helms the Milli Majlis delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the delegation members Agalar Valiyev, Tahir Mirkishili and Tural Ganjaliyev are leaving for Vienna on 21 February for the 22nd winter session of the OSCE PA.

20 February 2023    12:35

Milli Majlis Members to Attend Euronest PA’s Session

The head of the Milli Majlis delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Tahir Mirkishili and the delegation members Tural Ganjaliyev, Iltizam Yusifov, Vugar Bayramov, Soltan Mammadov and Nurlan Hasanov are going to Chișinău on 18 February to take part in the 10th plenary session of the PA.

18 February 2023    12:31

Milli Majlis Chair Sahiba Gafarova Goes to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow

The parliamentary delegation helmed by Chair of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sahiba Gafarova are in the Russian Federation on an official visit.
As part of the current visit, Sahiba Gafarova has gone to the Alexander Garden in Moscow to put a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier there.

13 February 2023    18:50

Our MPs to Go to the States

Members of the Milli Majlis Naghif Hamzayev and Shahin Ismayilov are leaving for New York City on 12 February...

11 February 2023    12:31

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.