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Lithuanian MPs Went to Martyrs’ Lane

The visiting parliamentary delegation led by the chairman of the Lithuanian Seimas’ working group for the inter-parliamentary connexions Lithuania-Azerbaijan Kazys Starkevičius went to the Martyrs’ Lane on 14 July.

14 July 2022    14:12

Going to OSCE PA Summer Session

The summer session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is scheduled to last from the 2nd to the 6th of July.

29 June 2022    12:21

Chair of Senate of Uzbekistan’s Oliy Majlis Arrives in Azerbaijan on an Official Visit

Chair of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tanzila Narbayeva has arrived in Azerbaijan on an official visit on 28 June and was welcomed at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport where both states’ national flags waved by First Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis Ali Huseynov, the head of the Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan inter-parliamentary connexions working group Eldar Ibrahimov, the Azerbaijani and Uzbek ambassadors in the respective countries Huseyn Guliyev and Bahrom Ashrafkhanov as well as other officials.

28 June 2022    18:35

A Parliamentary Network of Non-Aligned Movement Conference to Take Place in Azerbaijan

A conference Enhancing the Roles of National Parliaments in Promoting Peace and Sustainable Development Worldwide of the Parliamentary Network of the Non-Aligned Movement, scheduled to take place in our country on 30 June, will bring together delegations of more than 40 national parliaments and representatives of 9 international parliamentary organisations.

28 June 2022    15:44

Our MP to Visit Albania

A member of the Milli Majlis and co-rapporteur of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Albania Asim Mollazade will be in the Albanian capital of Tirana on a fact-finding mission on 28 June.

24 June 2022    18:14

A Meeting at Milli Majlis

The chair of the Milli Majlis Family, Women’s and Children’s Affairs Committee Hijran Huseynova had a meeting with the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Iran Sumayya Rafii and Zohra Sader Ladjeverdi on 23 June.

23 June 2022    17:51

At a Scheduled Meeting of Milli Majlis-Russian Federal Assembly Inter-Parliamentary Commission

First Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis/head of the parliamentary Legal Policy and State-Building Committee Ali Huseynli and Deputy Chair of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the RF Galina Karelova co-presided over the videoconferenced meeting of the Joint Inter-Parliamentary Commission of the Milli Majlis and the Federal Assembly, co-chaired by them, on 22 June.

22 June 2022    19:04

Azerbaijani MPs to Join a Meeting of TurkPA Group of Young Parliamentarians

Members of the Milli Majlis Anar Mammadov and Aliabbas Salahzade are leaving for Nur-Sultan, the capital city of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on 17 June to join the first meeting of the TurkPA Group of Young Parliamentarians Children and Youth are the Turks’ Future in the Age of Technologies.

16 June 2022    14:15

Role of Parliament in Diplomacy is Discussed at Milli Majlis

The chairman of the Milli Majlis International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee Samad Seyidov and the committee member Asim Mollazade talked to a group of overseas diplomats at a meeting titled ‘The Role of Parliament in Diplomacy’ and held at the Milli Majlis through co-operation with the ADA University and the International Development Assistance Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 9 June.

09 June 2022    17:52

A Meeting with US Congress Representatives

The Milli Majlis working group for the Azerbaijan-USA inter-parliamentary connexions and the visiting delegation of the US Congress had a meeting on 3 June.

03 June 2022    18:29

MP Azay Guliyev to Visit Eastern European Countries

A member of the Milli Majlis, the leader of the Azerbaijani delegation to the OSCE PA and this entity’s Vice President/special representative for the SE Europe Azay Guliyev will be having meetings with Romanian and Bulgarian governmental officials and MPs in Bucharest on 6-8 June and in Sofia on 8-9 May.

03 June 2022    14:38

Azerbaijani MPs to Monitor Election in Cambodia

The Milli Majlis members Ramin Mammadov and Soltan Mammadov are leaving for Phnom Penh on 2 June to monitor the upcoming municipal elections in the Kingdom of Cambodia on the invitation of the Cambodian Parliament.

01 June 2022    16:00

Our MPs to Keep an Eye on Referendum in Kazakhstan

The members of the Milli Majlis Sabir Hajiyev and Hikmat Mammadov will leave for the Kazakh capital city of Nur-Sultan on 2 June to join the planned monitoring of the constitutional referendum set for 5 June: MP Hajiyev for the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and MP Mammadov for the TurkPA.

01 June 2022    11:12

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan - The state legislative power branch organ is a unicameral parliament that has 125 MPs. The MPs are elected as based on the majority electoral system by free, private and confidential vote reliant on the general, equitable and immediate suffrage. The tenure of a Milli Majlis convocation is 5 years.